Learn About the Right Of Way Acquisition
Design engineers choose the most practical and economical path for a roadway. This is during the preliminary engineering stage of a transportation project. These thoroughfares of Right Of Way Acquisition might be anything from brand-new motorways to upgraded roads that support the current transportation network. The benefit to a community is increased traffic flow, capacity, and access, which are all characteristics of such projects.
Some highway projects, however, intrude on private land that is required for a public improvement project. This cannot be developed inside an existing right-of-way. In order to construct a road, right-of-way acquisition. This entails purchasing land or other property rights from a private property owner, is used. Keep reading this article to learn more.
Know the Tips for Right Of Way Acquisition
1. Knowing the Procedure
This has been helpful in my career because effective communication is necessary at every level of right-of-way acquisition. Obtaining property rights through “good faith” discussions is one of my main objectives. This means that in order for me to support a good conclusion, I must call on my beliefs as well as my prior knowledge and expertise of the system.
2. Negotiation
Following the determination of fair market value, the process moves on to the crucial negotiation phase, during which a right-of-way agent personally meets with the property owner to present their agency’s (state, federal, or municipal) offer of “just compensation” based on the conclusions of the appraisal report.
A thorough understanding of the acquisition process is essential in this situation. At the end of the day, it is our responsibility to secure those property rights so that the project may be completed on time and under budget. A recommended practice that calls for strong communication abilities is assisting property owners in imagining how their property will appear after construction.
This frequently entails exchanging documentation, such as construction blueprints, in order to help justify the acquisition and help the owner understand why their property is required. Additionally, it is frequently done for security purposes.
3. Ensure Quick Acquisition
Many people are astonished to learn that the majority of state and federal roadway projects take at least two years just to complete the design phase. Additionally, if there are complicated environmental, right-of-way, utility, or railroad difficulties, the process could take longer.
Moreover, depending on the quantity or kind of properties acquired, the ensuing right-of-way acquisition phase can take an additional two years.
Final Thoughts
A project’s construction could then require an extra two years. Therefore, keeping to a reasonable schedule while acquiring the right-of-way and Property Information Drawings is essential. And that is eventually accomplished by properly interacting with all of the project’s subject matter experts and private property owners.